
The Future of Robots Won’t Be Like ‘The Terminator’ — It’ll Probably Be Worse

The documentarian behind ‘The Truth About Killer Robots’ talks about how machines are slowly, methodically destroying our economy, our relationships and how we see ourselves

How to Protect Your Job from a Robot

A third of Americans may be put out of work by machines over the next decade, so what can us puny humans do about this robot invasi — 01100010011101011000101

What Will Men Do With a Sex Robot That Says ‘No’?

Probably fuck it anyway

I Ate a Burger Made by Flippy, the Burger-Flipping Robot Who’s Here to Take Your Minimum-Wage Job

A fast-food restaurant seems like a fitting venue for the robot apocalypse. I’m sitting in black leather chair at CaliBurger, a mostly unremarkable burger chain,…