
The Stone-Cold Sober World of Drug-Free Psychedelics

Want to experience the magic of psychedelics without spending a fortune, breaking the law or spending 12 hours licking your couch? There’s an app for that... and a breathing technique... and a ‘sensory pod’...

Can You Get High From Kissing Someone Who’s Tripping?

It’s not exactly a common intake method, nor is it a reliable one, but some substances can be transmitted through sex

Is There a Way to Stop a Mushroom Trip Once It’s Started?

It’s pretty hard to stop the trip train once it’s left the psychedelic station, but thankfully, there are some things you can do to get through it okay

The Amateur Psychonaut Who Took 43 Designer Drugs in a Single Year

There are thousands of under-researched designer drugs that mimic the effects of substances like MDMA, ketamine and LSD, and Felix is on a mission to try all of them