
Get It While It’s Prime Day: The Cable System That Makes Dumbbells Totally Unnecessary

There’s not a muscle the Bowflex Xceed Home Gym can’t put a squeeze on, and it’s currently $200 cheaper than usual

Get It While It’s Prime Day: The Only Curl Bar Set Your Biceps Will Ever Need

The Bowflex SelectTech Curl Bar is nearly $300 cheaper than usual and will save you a total of $1,500 compared to all of the other weights you’d need to buy to equal its power

How Should I Work Out If I Just Want to Hit More Home Runs in My Softball League?

Do I hit the bench? Beef up my forearms? Bicep curl until my arms fall off? Where should I put my time and energy if I want to bring Ruthian power to my team?

Can I DIY a Weight Bench from Those CrossFit Ballistic Block Things?

It’s the epitome of fitness multi-tasking: I hit it with a sledgehammer one minute, and then bench press from it the next