
How Your Political Views Are Shaped By Your Genes

If political psychologists are right, and certain beliefs are bred into us by natural selection, is there any hope for bridging the growing gulf between left and right?

Why At-Home DNA Tests Keep Failing People of Color

If you’re a POC, your DNA results will be less detailed and more likely to carry inaccuracies

Ancestry DNA Test Results Are Not Only Widely Misinterpreted, They’re Potentially Damaging

Companies like 23andMe are inadvertently convincing people that concepts as complicated as race or ethnicity are written in your genes — these, say experts, are ‘very dangerous ideas’

The NASA Genius Biohacker Trying to Bring Gene Editing to Your Living Room

A conversation with Josiah Zayner, the renegade, DIY geneticist who’s gladly experimenting on himself in order to achieve his goal of ending human suffering