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The Clit Is a Liberal Lie

The increasingly popular meme pokes fun at conservatives’ supposed sexual inadequacy, but it also forces us to ask ourselves: If we can’t find something, does it exist at all?!?!

As we’re all well aware, many men struggle to find the clit. But it’s literally right there, visible at the upper part of the vulva, staring you in the face. Why is it seemingly so hard to find? Maybe, just maybe, because it’s not actually there, at all. The clit is a psy-op. The clit is a mirage. The clit, most importantly, is a liberal lie. 

Obviously, that’s not true. But can’t you imagine someone saying it? Particularly in a time of such a deep distrust of science and women, it seems perfectly plausible that a subset of the lunatic fringe would develop the theory that the clitoris, a supposed pleasure bomb for the female sex, doesn’t exist at all. Who would be responsible for spreading such a myth? Well, who’s the culprit of all the other conspiracy theories of this type? Those goddamn liberals! 

The line “the clit is a liberal lie” has slowly gained in prominence over the last year, a parody of this familiar line of thinking. Often, the phrase will be paired with an image of a bald eagle with a Confederate Flag as the background, emphasizing the idea that this would, rather believably, be the sort of thing you’d see posted by a relative on Facebook. 

Per Google Trends, “the clit is a liberal lie” has been the most popular clit-related search in the last year, up 850 percent from the year prior. Part of its rise seems due to a few mysterious people who have made “the clit is a liberal lie” bumper stickers, which occasionally go viral on their own. It’s unclear exactly where these are coming from, however — there’s no primary manufacturer of such a sticker, though you can readily order one that says “Awesome Clit” or “I Heart Big Clits” instead. Most likely, these “the clit is a liberal lie” stickers are custom-made. 

More than just a dig at people who blame liberals for everything, the phrase has also become a sort of ironic statement from guys who don’t get laid, or at least want to joke that they don’t. Not only is the clit a liberal lie, but the pussy doesn’t exist at all. It’s a distraction created by the media to prevent true alpha men from leveling up in society. 

This, of course, is also just a joke, a self-demeaning satire of incels. It’s ridiculous, but again, given our current moment, you could almost imagine someone saying it in earnest — not just the idea that the clit is difficult to find or a body part with inflated cultural importance, but that it’s not even real. Fortunately, there aren’t very many people who actually believe this line of thinking, and the clit is very much real. 

At least, that’s what the left wants you to think…