At this point, most civilized people would agree, in principle, that objectifying others — whether friends, coworkers or strangers on the subway — is uncool. At the same time, we can’t avoid an awareness that every friend, coworker and stranger has an ass. From day to day, we hold these competitive, burning truths in mind, hoping to find the just and narrow path between them.
In Home Alone 2: Lost In New York, @realDonaldTrump checks out Kevin McCallister’s ass.
— Spencer Spicy (@spencerspicy) November 14, 2019
What this tells us, practically speaking, is that you, friend, almost certainly check out asses, and there’s a good chance that multitudes have checked out your ass, too. This conclusion is backed up by a thread on Reddit’s r/askmen where dudes came clean regarding how often their eyes are drawn to a woman’s posterior. A few top answers (and bonus honesty points to the guy who commented, “I mean, I’m in a wheelchair so I’m pretty much at ass level, more or less lmao”):
- “More than I care to admit.”
- “Every chance I get.”
- “Always. Even the ones I know I won’t like. Can’t help it.”
What really captured my attention, though, were the female redditors who also identified as wanton ass-lookers. “I’m a woman with a boyfriend and I will check out a girl’s ass any chance I get, I have no clue why,” wrote one. “I’m a woman but I am with the commenters here 100 percent,” another replied. And at least one straight guy copped to scoping men’s butts as well, noting that he will sometimes “get super jealous about some better asses than mine.”
Anybody else check out their ass when walking by a mirror?
— D⚡️ (@dinuhhhh) May 29, 2019
Now, before we get any further into the state of assdom, it’s worth defining our terms and establishing some etiquette. “Checking out” an ass is a highly specialized maneuver — it does not suggest locking your vision on those butt cheeks and letting them guide you forward. An ass-check is deft, glancing and possibly even clinical: You make an approximation of size, shape and bounce, and you get the hell out of there. Staring is rude because it leaves no doubt as to the nature of your interest in a given ass; obviously, you’ve lost yourself in a lustful reverie, and this excess transforms your attention into harassment.
Meanwhile, tons of perfectly decent folks are taxonomizing asses with scholarly grace and subtlety, and not out of sheer horniness but a kind of comparative instinct. This is why so much of the ass-checking that goes on in this world cuts across categories of gender and sexual orientation: Regardless of whether we’re attracted to an individual, we’re curious to know what kind of caboose they’ve got.
I'm ace. I don't seek out butts but if you're wearing tight pants or something I will notice, and I absolutely appreciate a nice butt of any gender on a purely aesthetic level
— i bless the rains down in castamere (@Chinchillazllla) November 20, 2019
If you have ever existed around me I've looked at your can at least once
— Red Star Miami hot as FUCK (@redstarmiami) November 20, 2019
i look at everyone's butt, as though i am building some sort of mental ass database
— amy brown (@arb) November 20, 2019
very regularly and it’s mostly gender neutral and platonic but we luv a good butt on a hottie too
— dead husband material (@neeley_lexie) November 20, 2019
Like I'm taking an ass census and it's my only mission on earth, all genders accepted.
— Shake Sack (@DrMontzy) November 20, 2019
men’s soccer
— Bhoka (@boop) November 20, 2019
Very gender neutral for me. I'm constantly checking. Lol
— Courtney Gripling? (@DinaBo_Bina) November 20, 2019
Is there a non-erotic, evolutionary advantage to keeping abreast of all that booty? Or are we experiencing a fine derriere the way we might the stately marble rump of Michelangelo’s David? An informal Twitter survey revealed, among a throng of veteran ass-checkers, the common attitude that butts are some of the better things in life, and a very good butt is simply a joy to behold — anatomy as art.
This isn’t to say the practice is without varied preferences and complications, however. Some of us prize a type of ass, like the dumb thicc buns you see on Major League Baseball catchers. Some seek to place themselves in the ass hierarchy (and feel guilty for not doing enough squats at the gym). A few fight the impulse, not liking how it reflects upon them, and others are in the semi-conflicted position of having an excellent ass themselves: You want the freedom to appraise any rear ends in the area, yet yours is likewise on display.
Almost all the time, good asses have an organically pleasing shape that is nice to look at, if it IS a good ass, the reaction is always SENSUAL but not necessarily SEXUAL, which hinges on other potential factors relating to the person’s overall attractiveness to me in other areas
— Rachel Klein (@racheleklein) November 20, 2019
I’m not into checking out cis men unless it’s the asses of MLB catchers and then it’s my favorite pastime.
— Britni de la Cretaz (@britnidlc) November 20, 2019
Constantly, because I need to know where my ass falls in the ass rankings of any given space
— Lauren Lavín (@lalavin666) November 20, 2019
as a mostly straight lady – if I notice an ass on a man it's sexual, if I notice an ass on a woman it's "goddammit I should go to the gym"
— Dawn (@502eire) November 20, 2019
yeah, when i notice a really good butt (on any type of person), most of the time it doesn't feel that sexual, it's just a nod of "NICE. Well done, you!" On the other hand, as someone with a great ass, I don't appreciate most of the comments about it so maybe keep it inside.
— meredith (@4_worse) November 20, 2019
not even in a sexual sense, i just appreciate being in the presence of it
— Himbo Rights Activist ?♂️ (@deathcab4booty) November 20, 2019
it still happens on accident sometimes or if I'm extremely unsober but then I don't feel good about it and redouble my efforts. I prob scope a butt like once every 4-6 months due to these factors
— Richard Solutions (@DickProblems) November 20, 2019
100%. Regardless of gender or my attraction to the individual, I just … feel an innate need to know?*
*Maybe because I lack one 🙁
— Andy Carr (@BespokeChili) November 20, 2019
i only check out the ass of someone i’m interested in, and then as often as possible. i will also try to make them open a door for me to force them to look at mine.
— beth (@bethbourdon) November 20, 2019
Among these stripes of ass appreciators, I think I most relate with those who wish they had a little extra cushioning down there — a plight often referred to as “Hank Hill ass,” after the King of the Hill character, who suffers from “diminished gluteal syndrome” — and therefore gaze upon plush, rounded bottoms in envy of the comfort they must provide.
But perhaps that is no less an aesthetic enjoyment of idealized form than when we admire the full moon in a starry night sky. Indeed, if exposing one’s ass is “mooning,” it hints that the ass has a line to celestial bodies. It’s a fixture above and apart from the population that tows them around. We may fail to notice them at first, yet they have a way of finding our focus and erupting with beauty. By taking stock of an ass, either great or small, jiggling or stationary, we accomplish what the dead cannot. We live.
Funny you should mention, but only in the last few years have I started noticing particularly nice men’s asses. Did society change, or did I? Or did the asses.
— PiercePiercePiercePi (@piercegleeson) November 20, 2019
Possibly also since gaining 30s muscle problems requiring glute exercises, I’m admiring strength. ‘Bet his glutes feel great.’
— PiercePiercePiercePi (@piercegleeson) November 20, 2019
As a skinny male who enjoys nothing more than a good sit down. I can look at another mans bottom and think, I bet this guy knows a level of comfort I can’t even comprehend.
— AJ (@oningly) November 20, 2019
unceasingly it is a small joy in this terrible world
— Himbos of Unusual Size (@losertakesall) November 20, 2019
Mens butts women's butts corgi butts quokka butts butts
— We are ALL Michelle's expression that day! BLM duh (@BSDRiviera) November 20, 2019
It's like the sun: you don't stare directly at it, but you catch glances, and perhaps smile and lease a sigh of satisfaction at seeing nature's beauty.
— Just Joshin' (@JoshAndHisJokes) November 20, 2019
Don’t fret, though, if asses rarely ping your radar. I’m sure you have your reasons, or more important stuff to worry about. It’ll probably be controversial, but I’m willing to admit that butts are not the sum total of human achievement. Nevertheless, they’re everywhere and inescapable, which has helped them to earn near-universal respect, despite their fundamental silliness. Or maybe the ridiculous nature of butts is what lets us rationalize our ass-checks as innocent inquiries rather than predatory ones.
Because when you get right down to it, our hindquarters are pretty darn weird. How lovely, then, that we’ve chosen to celebrate their divine symmetry.

No homo bro, but your ass be lookin hella fine today
— animatedtext (@animatedtext) November 13, 2019