Ian Douglass
Ian Douglass is a volunteer firefighter, lackadaisical Concept2 rower and SkiErger and is the worst masters swimming All-American in recorded history. He also helps professional wrestlers publish their autobiographies, assists businesspeople with the writing of coherent thoughts and has overhyped degrees from Michigan and Northwestern.
The Most Enduring Fitness Scam in History
For decades, Charles Atlas claimed you could get a physique like his solely through the body-weight exercises found in his Dynamic Tension program — no weights necessary. But that claim definitely was doing a significant amount of heavy lifting
Life Lessons from Pro Wrestling’s Biggest Loser
For nearly a decade, Mario Mancini served dutifully as WWE’s premier jobber, the man everyone else beat on their way to the top. But taking all of those Ls brings with it a different kind of championship mettle
The Best Ellipticals That Won’t Break the Bank
For less than a grand, there are plenty of options that are just as good as what you can find in cardio-machine abyss at the gym