Dispatches from the Manosphere

Pregnant Women Are 16 Percent More Likely to Die by Homicide. What Happens After Roe?

Abortion care at least gives them a chance to untether themselves from an abusive relationship, quell the anger of men who don’t want a child and potentially prevent a child from being born into violence

Far-Right Agitators Are Using Anti-Pride Violence to Strengthen Their Cause

The vast majority of Pride events went off without a hitch, but the violence and intimidation that did take place proved to others online that they can shut down progress — a blueprint the alt-right is revising for the future

This Week, Two Women in Two Different Countries Were Murdered on Their College Campuses in Broad Daylight

Iman Rashid was shot to death in Jordan yesterday. Just days earlier, Nayera Ashraf was killed in Egypt by a man whose advances she had rejected. Both instances have caused an uproar over misogynist violence in the region — but such killings aren’t unique to one culture or place

The Misguided Myth of the Femcel Phenotype

By definition, a femcel is a woman who is either too unattractive or mentally ill to experience sex and relationships. So why is everyone drooling for the mousy, glasses-wearing girls they perceive femcels to be?