An Ode (of Sorts) to Dad’s Shitty Light Beer
I never knew my father, but I still ended up loving his favorite cheap beer
Why Does Body Size Affect How Much Booze You Can Handle?
When it comes to staying on your feet while drinking, size is pretty much the only thing that matters. “The less you weigh, the more…
Ways to Day Drink Without Getting Completely Wasted
Getting blitzed in the middle of the day, unless you meant to, can be far more unpleasant than getting accidentally hammered at night. This is…
A Drinker’s Guide to Deliberately Pissing Yourself in Public
While the jury’s still out out on the legitimacy of “breaking the seal,” one thing’s certain: Drinking and pissing go hand-in-hand. (Or for dudes, hand-in-penis-in-hand.)…