
Val Kilmer’s ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ Cameo Is Even More Poignant Once You’ve Watched His Documentary

Iceman is back on the big screen, but ‘Val’ illustrates what a long, hard road it’s been for the actor since the 1986 original

Firefighters Are Facing the Heat of a New Five-Alarm Threat — Testicular Cancer

The smoke and soot from the blazes they battle put them at twice the risk of developing testicular cancer as the average guy — an occupational hazard that they’ve spent the last few years doing everything they can to extinguish

A Ballsy Oral History of the Life-Saving Deadpool Testicular Cancer PSA

In 2016, a cheeky ‘Deadpool’ ad taught millions of men how to check their ‘smooth criminals’ for testicular cancer. Years later, many men says it saved their lives

How ‘The Ball Report’ Became the ‘HuffPo of Testicle Journalism’

From articles about testicular cancer symptoms to colorful tales of men who ejaculate out of their buttholes, ‘The Ball Report’ was anything but a regular news site. In fact, it was a loving homage to late NYC sportscaster Sean Kimerling