Even though it’s been more than a decade since we were introduced to Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story, lines like “Nobody makes me bleed my own blood” and “Ouchtown, population: You, bro!” are still parroted in frat halls across this great land of ours.
In the film, the International Dodgeball Open is covered by “ESPN 8: The Ocho… Bringing You the Finest in Seldom Seen Sports,” a satire of ESPN and its oversaturated empire. Some of The Ocho’s programming included: Tractor Racing; Soccer with a Flaming Ball; and Two Men Whipping Each Other with a Rope.
Ten years too late to the joke, in August, ESPN dedicated an entire day to being the Ocho, making shitty Ben Stiller jokes and showing live Cornhole tournaments in the process.
All the while, though, the true Ocho already existed.
For the last five years r/TheOcho has been the true “leader” in random sports coverage, making the vision of ESPN 8 a reality. From Steph Curry playing ball against a giant Korean puppet to Synchronized Fingering, r/TheOcho has it all.