Not sure what was funnier today: Melania Trump wearing a “I Don’t Really Care, Do U?” jacket to the Southern border; her husband explaining away the jacket as a reference to the Fake News Media; liberal dudes commenting “what billionaire’s wife wears a $39 jacket?”; alt-right ladies replying that men shouldn’t comment on fashion; or perhaps, Rian Johnson trolling the dweebs who still can’t let The Last Jedi go.
please please please please pleeeeeeeaaaase please actually happen please please please please please ??????????????????????????
— Rian Johnson (@rianjohnson) June 21, 2018
Move on, dorks.
Must Read
“The Unbearable Blackness of Liking White-People Shit”
This month, icon of woke male blackness, Desus Nice, came out as a huge Sex and the City fan. Surprisingly, he didn’t get dragged for his admission; instead, he made it cool for people of color to own the fact that they too are down for some white shit. Zaron Burnett sat down with Kovie Biakolo, entertainment editor at BuzzFeed News to investigate what it means to be a stan for white culture; and to advance the conversation about representation in a multicultural country like the U.S. READ MORE
Did You Know?
Women aren’t the only ones getting breast-reduction surgery — it’s becoming increasingly popular among men, too. That’s what feature writer C. Brian Smith found after discussing the operation with Michael Zarrabi, an L.A. plastic surgeon who specializes in treating gynecomastia, aka man boobs. Most of Zarrabi’s male breast-reduction patients fall in one of four categories:
A Public Service Announcement
A couple weeks ago, we reported on the redditor who made tacos out of his own amputated leg. In case you were wondering (as we were, natch), yes, it’s perfectly legal to keep your surgically removed body parts. All you have to do is ask for them.
Checking in with Tony the Tiger
Oh look, Tony is celebrating Pride by baiting horny furries again:
Does this make him canonically queer?
Too Long; Didn’t Read
We’re often told that you should never eat anything (or put anything on your body) if you don’t recognize everything on the ingredients list. And bologna is one of those mystery meats that’s especially hard to figure out what the fuck is in it.
So we took Oscar Meyer Bologna — which in no way would be confused with “artisan” — and decoded every single ingredient inside.
All in all, this bologna is full of bologna.