The bad news is that you’re stuck inside for the foreseeable future. The good news is that you’ll probably save a tiny bit of money because of it, at least on your monthly commuting costs. Most of the bigger car insurance companies like Allstate, Geico and Progressive have already instituted discounts for all their customers, with most people receiving between a 15 to 25 percent discount for at least April and May. With the average monthly car insurance premium costing around $150 a month, a 20 percent discount would save you $30. Not huge, but it’s certainly not nothing. Some companies, like Geico, are extending those savings for the entirety of their clients’ six- or twelve-month policies.
If you’re already a customer of one of the major national insurance brands, check their website. Most have the discounts listed on the front page, and you don’t have to do anything to qualify, it’s automatic. For most companies, the discount will appear in the form of an account credit, a discount on your forthcoming payment or a refund for those who have already paid in full.
If you don’t see any information about COVID-19 discounts on your insurer’s website, give them a call. Technically, one of the major factors determining the cost of your car insurance is the number of miles you regularly drive, and since you’re supposed to be staying the fuck home right now, you’re probably not driving as much. You’re therefore less at risk of getting into an accident and requiring your car insurance to pay you out. Basically, just tell the customer service representative that you’re no longer commuting as a result of coronavirus and would like your car insurance premium reduced to reflect that change.
That logic is usually sound enough for the insurance company to reduce your monthly premium, but if it’s not, you can always threaten to find a new insurer. Considering most companies have already implemented discounts across the board, regardless of whether you’re actually driving less, the remaining companies are going to feel similarly pressured to do so or else lose customers.
call your car insurance company and ask for a lower rate due to less driving, got mine reduced by like 20%
— linalovesit (@linalovesit) April 17, 2020
Of course, keep in mind that the customer service representative you’re speaking with likely has no say whatsoever about such company-wide policies, and is simply doing their job, and that they’re just as stressed as the rest of us. So be polite, and when you get your discount, thank them.
But again, fortunately, the majority of companies seem to have instituted these discounts automatically, meaning you and a customer service rep shouldn’t have to deal with each other. Also once more, as more people inquire about these discounts, more companies will likely do the same.
Either way, though, enjoy that extra $30 or so, and maybe treat yourself to a meal from a restaurant you want to keep around when all this is over.