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Luke Winkie

Luke Winkie is a writer and former pizza maker from San Diego. In addition to MEL, he's written for Rolling Stone, Vice, the New York Times, Gizmodo, Vox and anywhere else good content can be found.

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Regifting Should Be Perfectly Acceptable

We’ve been brainwashed into buying more gifts, when something from a Christmas past could be totally fine — for someone else

America’s Plumbers Are Ready for a Huge ‘Brown Friday’

This country is going down the tubes — along with potato peels, rice, butt wipes and a lot of (literal) shit our pipes can’t handle. Meet the heroes answering the call of doody this Thanksgiving

The Expectant Fathers Going H.A.M. in Prenatal Yoga

‘My wife would walk by and laugh at me, but eventually, it became not even funny anymore — I was just doing it for real.’