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Joseph Longo

Joseph Longo is a culture and entertainment journalist whose work has appeared in The Associated Press, Entertainment Weekly and more. He's still trying to understand what it means to be a Gemini Rising.

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TikTok’s Nudity Problem Hides Behind a Filter

How will TikTok, an app with a userbase of teens as young as 13, handle the spread of nudity on its platform? And does it matter if it’s covered by a filter?

Why Does Every Guy Wear Gray at the Gym? An Investigation

It has to do with our love of visible sweat — and an innate desire to fit in

An Exclusive Interview With @BernieSanders on TikTok

@BernieSanders joined TikTok to impress a girl. He rails against capitalism and nationalism. Also, he’s an 18-year-old high schooler named David