Ian Douglass
Ian Douglass is a volunteer firefighter, lackadaisical Concept2 rower and SkiErger and is the worst masters swimming All-American in recorded history. He also helps professional wrestlers publish their autobiographies, assists businesspeople with the writing of coherent thoughts and has overhyped degrees from Michigan and Northwestern.
Should Your New Gym Buddy Be a Goat?
A recent viral TikTok seems to indicate that the secret to a jacked neck is headbutting a goat. Is the guy behind the video a fitness GOAT, or sticking his neck somewhere it doesn’t belong?
Strength Training with Resistance Bands Stretches Back to the Earliest Strongmen
Their popularity has exploded during the pandemic, but they were also a favorite of Eugen Sandow, the father of modern bodybuilding, more than 125 years ago
Deer Antler Extract Has Been as Much an NFL Thing as a Putin Thing
They may not be bathing in blood from them, but a few prominent football stars have been connected to a spray with a lot of the same alleged healing powers. And a pill version of deer antlers has been a wellness cure-all for centuries