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Tierney Finster

Tierney Finster is a journalist, screenwriter, actor and model from Los Angeles, California. She is a contributing writer at MEL, specializing in love, sex, mental health, drugs, queer culture and the cannabis industry. She has written for publications such as Playboy, Purple, Dazed and Confused, Jezebel and Broadly and was the key researcher behind Sex On, HBO’s revival of its iconoclastic docu-series Real Sex.

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How to Reschedule Without Seeming Like A Flake or An Asshole

“No one really keeps their commitments anymore, especially if something more tantalizing happens to usurp their attention or they’re trying desperately to avoid dealing with…

This L.A. Indie Promotion is the True Home of Wrestling’s ‘Women’s Revolution’

Despite the WWE’s posturing, these are the women who are really power bombing the patriarchy

The Guy Making Art Out of Porn Scene Titles

We all have our preferred search terms — those words we type into search engines or the search fields of porn sites that represent our most private…