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Lauren Vinopal

Lauren Vinopal is a writer and stand-up comedian based out of New York City, who writes mostly about health, science and men. She is the host of the Mid Riff Comedy Show in Brooklyn, a frequent podcast guest all over, and lives the life of a teen who looks like they haven’t slept in years.

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What Happens When My Brain Goes into Autopilot Mode?

Why did you just put that banana in the dishwasher? And how did the milk end up in the cupboard? The default network of our brain can make us do some pretty stupid stuff, but it’s all for the greater good

When Anxiety Is in Your Body and Not Your Mind

That nausea, diarrhea and/or tingling sensation you’re feeling might have a lot more to do with the anxiety you’re experiencing than any kind of illness or physical health problem

Icing Out the Sads: How to Treat Depression With a Cold Shower

When you sprain your ankle, you ice it, so why not treat depression the same way? There’s evidence that this cold shock to the system might be what some people need to bounce back