Why Is This Country So Bad at Sex?
It’s 2020, a pandemic is raging, and America is totally fucked. Not just figuratively, but literally, too. This year especially, sex and gender have factored into local and national politics in a number of strange and unprecedented ways, the details of which we’ll be sharing with you in a new series of curated profiles, think-pieces and investigations that explore just how far the law extends into the sex lives of regular Americans.
As such, every day until the election, we’ll introduce you to one character or issue whose fate centers around the political state of sex and gender. We’ll discover which freedoms are at stake, what battles are being fought and what sex in a free country really looks like, all in honor of unfucking a system that seems increasingly hellbent on fucking up fucking.
Welcome, everybody, to UnFuck America.

Not to mention the entire internet as we know it
Four years ago, all the GOP cared about was banning porn. But since securing the White House, they haven’t done much about it. Here’s what happened to their anti-porn crusade
As Eleanor Hermon’s new book ‘Sex With Presidents’ details, they’ve certainly being doing fuccboi shit long before we had a term for it
But is using her platform to get out the vote nothing but a wet dream?
Our sex education is a disaster — but we still can’t take it out of schools. That’s why, in Washington, hope for the teen sexual health crisis rests on a hotly contested bill
Is Obergefell getting axed on your fascist hellscape bingo card? It’s time to fight for a failsafe — like Nevada is doing right now