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The Man Who Lost His Penis to Obesity

Vaudeville showman Jeff Beacher recently rediscovered his dick — and in the process, his whole life

25: Lost Loves Found – MEL On Air

On an upcoming episode of MEL: On Air, we’ll be focusing on the theme of Lost Loves Found. We’ll be chatting with a professor widely considered to be the world’s foremost authority on reconnecting with high school sweethearts; a TSA spokesperson who desperately wants to reconnect passengers with their lost belongings (unless they’re loaded firearms); and a man who became so obese that he lost his own penis.

The latter man is none other than Jeff Beacher, the vaudeville revivalist behind Beacher’s Madhouse, a mutant mash-up of carnival, cabaret show and nightclub that took Hollywood by storm. As its larger-than-life ringmaster, Beacher saw incredible success, but discovered too late that the experience had left him little time to confront the personal issues that plagued him. His resultant overeating saw him reach a weight of 410 lbs.

Recently, Beacher has lost an impressive 225 of those pounds, and is reinventing himself as a man with a new, more positive outlook on life, a healthy mental attitude, and, of course, a fully functioning penis.