Name: Garrett K.
Age: 35
From: California
Fetish: Pegging
What’s your earliest memory of experiencing pleasure from anal stimulation?
When I was 4 years old, me and the neighbor boy hooked up in a tent and it was butt stuff, like, immediately. I don’t know if it was learned from the porn magazines or what, but I can remember this feeling inside my body, the anticipation, and it’s very strange that my proclivity then is the same as it is now, which is that I am not attracted to other guys’ butts or dicks, but I like taking a subservient position sexually. I just like made this kid kiss my butthole. As a 4-year-old.
Did you do anything to him?
I like, fake-kissed his butthole so he would do mine (laughs). Then when I was 13 I started putting stuff in my butt. Household items.
Like what?
Vegetables for sure. Cucumbers and other odd objects. I was just masturbating all the time and trying different stuff in my butt. When I was 15, I’d go and visit my buddy’s place in Florida and there was this knob in the shower… the handle was turned up and there was shampoo in there and I was like, that looks like something I want to sit on. I remember looking forward to going back and visiting him in Florida because of this handle.
When did you start to incorporate being penetrated by other people into your sex life?
I was always trying to get girls to touch my ass. I was obsessed with rimming. In New York there was a girl who lived above me and she loved nothing more than to eat my butt. It was magical. She was bi. But the biggest step forward was when I was with this girl and she was really into latex, so we went to a sex shop to get her this latex outfit and there was this L-shaped glass dildo. One end was longer than the other, and the short end goes into a girl’s vagina and the long end goes in the guy, but we never actually used that on each other.
The first person that used it on me was a madam I met on a vanilla dating site. She started using that toy on me. She was not into me penetrating her at all, so she would come over often and, you know, be the guy. The glass dildo was my first foray into pegging.
So how often are you getting pegged now?
Well, now it’s kind of regular. Like once a week.
Why is pegging so great?
It just fucking feels fantastic. There’s a lot of pressure around performing sexually as a man that never really bothered me until I turned 30, which is when your dick doesn’t always cooperate. So sex just becomes about having to get my dick hard, make a girl come, make myself come, and the whole thing is almost daunting. So taking a more submissive role is, like, I can just fucking lay here while somebody else does the work. It just flips the whole thing on its head.
What makes it feel so good?
Shit, there’s a lot going on. Like, with the initial penetration there’s a discomfort, but at the same time there’s this anticipation of deep pleasure. The fact that there’s both is what makes it so intriguing. It’s like, you don’t get pleasure without pain I guess. Or the most pleasure you get out of life usually comes out of some sort of turmoil.

But for you, being pegged is more about pleasure than it is about pain.
Yes. For me it’s purely just pleasure-seeking. In that respect, poppers are a game-changer. They might even be the entire game. I don’t think I would do any of this if it weren’t for poppers. In fact, I found the thing that’s like the next evolution of poppers. It’s this stuff that you spray into a rag and huff.
What is that called?
I have a bottle of it right here.
What is this? Is it actually cleaning solvent, or do they just call it cleaning solvent?
Yeah, just like they call poppers “video head cleaner.”
I have never ever heard of this in my life. Do you buy it at a sex shop?
Mmm hmm. I don’t know [what it is is]. But I took a fucking dick like, this big last night. [Holds up hands to demonstrate.]
How big, how long and how wide?
This girl who’s, like, been pegging me for the past month every Tuesday has this giant cock and that’s my favorite but it’s terrifying, it really is. It was probably like 12 inches long and it was fat.
Do you have a favorite kind of lube that you like to use?
It’s called Gun Oil.
When it comes to being pegged, what’s your favorite position?
On my back while my nipples are being played with. Nipples are a very big part of it. It completes a circuit, like an electrical circuit.
Do you touch yourself while this is happening?
Yeah, I have to. If I’m taking like a big thing in the ass and not pleasuring myself, I can’t do it. The pleasure has to distract me from the discomfort.
Are there other things that you enjoy seeing or feeling while you get pegged?
I like seeing it in the mirror.
Like seeing yourself get fucked?
Are there specific aspects of a pegging partner that you enjoy seeing?
No, it’s all very un-intimate. It’s all about the mechanics of getting it done. I can’t quite relax because I’m focused on, like, holy shit I have to take this thing in the ass. I think I turn into a really selfish individual during this type of sex. All of a sudden it becomes all about me and I don’t really give a fuck.
How can you tell if a woman is down to peg?
I think that I intuitively can know if a girl is down. I mean, sometimes it’ll evolve naturally. If a girl is into playing with my butt then it’s like, a given. So it’s like, if I were getting rimmed, or, you know, fingered by a girl, we’re at least in the ballpark. And then from there it’s an evolution.
Is being pegged a sexual must-have for you?
I don’t know if my fetish is so much pegging as it is just an anal obsession. I could probably live without pegging, but butt stuff… I just couldn’t live without it.
Do you watch pegging porn?
It’s just not very beautiful. It’s like… a dude getting pegged. If I’m going to watch someone be penetrated I want it to be a beautiful girl, not like some fucking dude.
Lara Marie Schoenhals is a frequent MEL contributor. She last wrote about how she and her neurosurgeon dad bonded while he cracked open skulls for MEL.