Name: Ramon
Age: 32
From: The Midwest
Fetish: Face-fucking
When did you first realize such an aggressive blowjob turned you on?
Most likely porn. The gag sound is gross in any other context, but with a blowjob, it’s pretty dope. I was rather late to the game sexually, and for a while, I only got blowjobs. Because in my head: A) you can’t get pregnant from head; and B) you can’t catch feelings from head. I was right about A, but wrong about B.
How, though, did these blowjobs go from just some harmless oral sex to full-on fucking someone’s face? Is it a conversation, or does it just happen?
The first time it resulted from a real mediocre blowjob. I was taking a long time to finish, and she had her hair in a ponytail so I eventually grabbed it and started… helping out? After that, I came within a few minutes.
It feels disrespectful enough that it’s a hard thing to indulge in when I’m seeing someone seriously. It seems callous to fuck her face, and then go eat or have a deep convo about feminism. It can just be a weird thing to reconcile afterward.
Does that mean you only do it with casual sex partners?
I’d say that’s a fair assessment. The peak of this behavior was like three years ago when I was on all the dating apps. Since then, it’s died down IRL.
I’m picky about who I have sex with, but blowjobs are like equal opportunities. Which, like I said before, is a mistake — thinking in some weird way not having sex with women and only getting head was more considerate somehow.
Is it all about the gag sound, or are there other elements of face-fucking that arouse you as well?
I like the little moments that lead up to it, too — for example, when you first grab her hair and hear her say that it’s okay. Most women enjoy hair pulling, but some don’t. You can’t face-fuck everyone either. Nothing is worse than trying to face-fuck someone who’s got a toothy strategy or who can’t get the bulk of it down, especially when you have a pretty standard dick like mine.
If that’s the case, I’ll settle for a real sloppy blowjob with lots of saliva and slurping. Recently, I was home and got some sloppy head in my car while listening to Gucci Mane, and it felt very appropriate — like, “You’re a nice boy, here’s my mouth.”
I mean, if I really think about it, what it comes down to is that getting a blowjob is the laziest way for me to accept someone liking me.
Do you think there’s a face-fucking equivalent for women?
I mean, I get my hair grabbed and pulled while I’m down there, but it’s definitely not the same.