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Haley Hamilton

Haley Hamilton is a Boston-based bartender. She writes The Shakes, MEL's weekly column dedicated to drinks, booze, bar culture and sometimes other vices. She enjoys cocktails, mezcal, yoga and fucking with the patriarchy.

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How Psychedelics Are Helping the Dying Make Peace With the Other Side

I interviewed a real 'death doula' about the future of end-of-life care. Fear of the unknown? Try tripping balls on LSD

The ‘Satanic Chef’ Can Recommend a Bloody Good Wine to Pour in Your Skull Goblet

Scenes from behind the bar at the Satanic Temple’s Devil’s Dinner Party

These Are the Only Acceptable Drinking Games, According to Bartenders

The Devil’s Triangle: Yes, another awful part of the Brett Kavanaugh shit show; no, definitely not a drinking game as he suggested. (It, um, means something very…